At the Guidance Center, we support the journey of every CEFIzen, in pursuit of knowledge, academic excellence and lifelong learning, to be a rewarding and enjoyable one.
To help our students acquire the necessary skills and experience to become a well-educated and well-rounded citizen, we offer various services with full responsibilities of dealing students needs. Guidance services include assistance with educational and career counseling as well as personal problems, and with learning effective coping skills related to emotional conflict and interpersonal relations.
We aid students in post-secondary education and career selection, organize seminars, symposia and discussion forums on topical issues in response to students’ needs, and administer standardized tests to assess students’ individual personalities, interests and abilities.
In addition to working with students, guidance personnel are a part of the educational team including parents, teachers, administrators and specialists. We are an integral link in the chain that support the students’ pursuit of academic, emotional and social success.
We invite you to visit our office where everyone is welcome.
"Guidance Seminar Series"
-May 22, 2023
The Guidance Center is an integral part of the Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc. and it is one of the avenues towards of fulfillment of the institution’s mission. The Center provides students personalized assistance in coping with adjustments that he may have to face while in the institution.
Development Priorities and Concern:
- Orientation Services
- Individual Inventory Services
- Testing Service
- Counseling Service
- Scholarship
- Placement
- Information
- Career and Vocational Service
- Referral
- Research and Evaluation
- Follow-up
CEFI HEALS: Helping Everyone with Acceptance and Love through Social distancing
Program for New Normal
- Online Counseling
- Online Referral
- Online Placement
- Online Testing
- Webinars and Online Activity
- Peer Counselor’s Circle Online Support Group
The Guidance Center of Calayan Educational Foundation Incorporated envisions itself to be a highly functional center for human growth and development which will be of excellence in its various services that will nurture learners to become responsible, self-reliant and value-oriented individuals.
The center is committed to enhance students’ capability to make wise decisions for themselves particularly when confronted with problems and to assist students in their personal, social and academic development through adequate and responsive services / programs.
- Assist students in achieving institutional goals through helping them become aware of their mental and physical capabilities so they will better understand themselves.
- Assist them in setting up worthy educational and vocational goals so they will become better members of the society.
- Provide the students personalized assistance to enable him to make necessary adjustments in life which are agreeable to him and to the milieu where he belongs in order to maintain his well being.
- Develop and maintain a harmonious relationship between the faculty and students for the attainment of a higher level of success in life.
Guidance Director
PhD Major in Educational Management
University of Batangas (2023)
Master of Arts in Education major in Guidance & Counseling
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation (2018)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation (2011)

Guidance Associate/Psychometrician
Masters of Arts in Guidance and Counseling
Univeristy of Batangas (ongoing)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc. (2018)

Guidance Associate
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc. (2019)