CEFI 52th Tradition in Motion

History shows what happens to those who adamantly resist the inevitable tide of change. Time owes no respect to the legacy or power they hold; they are swept away. They become obsolete, irrelevant, relics of bygone eras, and forgotten ones at that. However, History also shows the fate that awaits those who only know how to push forward without a backward glance. They bear no legacy, and have no firm ground to hold on to. They lose all sense of who they were, and blindly forge their paths without knowing the reason for it all. In the end, they are swept away just the same, doomed to disintegrate amidst the chaos of the very waves they hope would take them to some promised land. The challenge then, is to achieve that elusive balance between preserving the values, norms, and practices that shaped one’s identity and legacy, and adapting to remain capable of navigating the unpredictable and unforgiving rapids that lie ahead. This year is a chance for Cefizens to reflect on existential questions such as “What makes a Cefizen a Cefizen?” by developing deeper understanding and appreciation of the shared goals and traditions that we may have learned to take for granted. At the same time, it is chance to confront ourselves with the reality of change. After all, within every Cefizen resides the paradox that is the unbending pride of holding on to a timeless legacy of excellence that spans over half a century, and the unquenchable desire to evolve, adapt, and overcome. #cefi52

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